Histoire du jeu1076457
Histoire détaillée des mises et de la distribution des tickets. Terminée 2025-01-19 21:33:48 (UTC)
- Jeu1076457
- Banque€4.74
Nouveau jeu via00:00
La carte du gain #4425Total: 4785
Gain: €4.74Chance: 57.5%
Le joueur a gagné:£Rejouer
- Plus chers sont les articles, plusplus il y a de chances de gagner
- Le vainqueur est déterminéAprès 90 secondes
- Rejoindre le jeu
Montant minimum de la mise €0.01. Vous pouvez mettre 15 maximum d'articles dans la banque par tour
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£ Investi Chasm of the Broken Code Armor ~ €0.99
Tickets: De #3786 Jusqu'à # 4785 +1000
![Chasm of the Broken Code Armor](https://cdn.dota2.net/item/Chasm+of+the+Broken+Code+Armor/100.png)
![player ava](https://avatars.steamstatic.com/4ab3db0761bdfb0b02c32de00e0924e1270cf81a_full.jpg)
Culusa. Investi Chasm of the Broken Code Armor ~ €0.99
Tickets: De #2786 Jusqu'à # 3785 +1000
![Chasm of the Broken Code Armor](https://cdn.dota2.net/item/Chasm+of+the+Broken+Code+Armor/100.png)
![player ava](https://avatars.steamstatic.com/4ab3db0761bdfb0b02c32de00e0924e1270cf81a_full.jpg)
Culusa. Investi Smokestacks of the Boilerplate Bruiser ~ €0.03
Tickets: De #2751 Jusqu'à # 2785 +35
![Smokestacks of the Boilerplate Bruiser](https://cdn.dota2.net/item/Smokestacks+of+the+Boilerplate+Bruiser/100.png)
![player ava](https://avatars.steamstatic.com/fef49e7fa7e1997310d705b2a6158ff8dc1cdfeb_full.jpg)
£ Investi Chasm of the Broken Code Armor ~ €0.84
Tickets: De #1901 Jusqu'à # 2750 +850
![Chasm of the Broken Code Armor](https://cdn.dota2.net/item/Chasm+of+the+Broken+Code+Armor/100.png)
![player ava](https://avatars.steamstatic.com/fef49e7fa7e1997310d705b2a6158ff8dc1cdfeb_full.jpg)
£ Investi Immortal Treasure II 2022 ~ €0.89
Tickets: De #1001 Jusqu'à # 1900 +900
![Immortal Treasure II 2022](https://cdn.dota2.net/item/Immortal+Treasure+II+2022/100.png)
![player ava](https://avatars.steamstatic.com/4ab3db0761bdfb0b02c32de00e0924e1270cf81a_full.jpg)
Culusa. Investi Chasm of the Broken Code Armor ~ €0.99
Tickets: De #1 Jusqu'à # 1000 +1000
![Chasm of the Broken Code Armor](https://cdn.dota2.net/item/Chasm+of+the+Broken+Code+Armor/100.png)
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